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Donald Trump on black flag

Published in Reglar Wiglar #27


Raymond Pettibon-inspired artwork by Mike Dixon.

Longtime readers may recall that before he was elected POTUS, Donald Trump wrote record reviews for the Reglar Wiglar. Now that he is out of the White House, we asked The Donald if he would return to his old post. Amazingly he agreed to share his thoughts on the iconic American hardcore band Black Flag.

Best Black Flag Album: Damaged

I’ve said this publicly, you can go and check, Damaged is the best Black Flag album. I’ve gotten a lot of credit for saying that. I’ve had big, powerful skinheads—big, tough guys—come up to me with tears in their eyes and say, “Thank you, sir, thank you for saying that Damaged is the best Black Flag record.” Biden thinks Live ‘84 is better and it’s a disgrace.

Best Black Flag Song: “American Waste”

Dez sings very strongly on this one. Very powerfully. “American Waste” is what was going on in this country when I became president and I changed that. We had the best economy in the history of the world and then came the plague from China and it never should have happened. And I won’t forget it.

Best Black Flag Singer: Henry Rollins

Some people say Keith, some people say Dez, some people say Ron. I say Henry, OK? For me, Henry sings very powerfully. Very strongly. You need that in a singer, especially in hardcore, you need somebody who’s tough.

Best Black Bass Player: Chuck Dukowski

Chuck plays very strongly. Very powerfully. I can relate to that. Kira? Not a fan. Nasty woman. People have said that if I played bass I would be a very good bass player because I would play very strongly. I like that. Maybe I’ll play bass.

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Best Black Flag Live Show: ----

Never saw Black Flag, no. I imagine the audience would smell very strongly. Can you see me and Melania at a Black Flag show? I don’t think so.

Best Black Flag Drummer: Bill Stevenson

Definitely not Robo. He came here illegally. If he would have gone back to Colombia, or wherever, and come here legally then I would consider Robo. But Bill, Bill plays very strong, very powerful drums. I like Bill’s powerful drums.

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