Chris Auman's website


Cassetty Comics

Finally, Cassetty has his own comic! Everyone's favorite cassette pet has appeared in zines such as Used Records & TapesReglar Wiglar, and Roctober. However, most of the strips included here were redrawn and colorized for this edition. Rewind or fast forward to any section of the book to learn about this lively and very much NOT dead format!


Sssnakes #1 mini-comic Sssnakes #2 mini-comic
Sssnakes #3 mini-comic Sssnakes #4 mini-comic

Check out my minicomics Sssnakes 1, 2, 3, and 4. All are available from the RoosterCow Store.

"Two snakes having an absurdist discussion. Plus sometimes they wear silly hats." —Quimby's

That's totally correct!


If you've never heard of The Woodrows then you are the most unhip person I've ever heard of. They're only the most prolific punk rock band of all time! Get aquainted with their illustrated discography right away. Read about The Woodrows in Reglar Wiglar #28.

The Woodrows Ganja Stomp Run Woodrow Run The Woodrows Do Disney

Places where my comics have been published over the years include Roctober, Factsheet 5, Climax Cult, and of course, Reglar Wiglar Magazine.

Roctober 45 Roctober #46 Roctober #47 Factsheet 5 #55 Climax Cult Zine

MusicFlamig Skull of DeathZines

© 2024 Chris Auman