Website for writer, artist, musician Chris Auman
Hey! I make zines, music, and comics!
Feel free to poke around.

BeeBop & LuBop

Read the latest news!
Two new books are now available from the RoosterCow Store. Used Records and Tapes #4 and Gray Flag #4.

Used Records and Tapes #4

Gray Flag #4


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Visit the RoosterCow store for zines & comics.

RoosterCow Store

Read! Comics I have created.


Bands I've been in and the music we made.

Spotify Playlist I

Spotify Playlist II

Read more writing.

Zines I've made over the years.

Star power!

About Chris Auman

What about me? It isn't fair! 

Cassetty the Cassette Pet

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Reglar Wiglar Magazine


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© 2024 chris auman